What to Expect

Visiting a new church can be intimidating. When you visit the Astoria church, you will find us to be a friendly and diverse group. There’s no pretense here. We are what we are… People who love God and one another trying to help each other get to heaven.

We are a small congregation where you will find 20 people assembled for worship. You can expect to be sincerely and warmly welcomed when you arrive, and you can expect folks to talk with you afterward and thank you for coming. There’s no sense of hierarchy or entitlement here. Just family. And our family would love to meet you!


When you visit one of our Sunday services, you can expect to find a simple worship service that adheres to the teachings of the New Testament. When we assemble on every Lord’s Day (Acts 20:7, Revelation 1:10), which is Sunday, we will worship God by . . .

  • Praying: We are led by different men in our congregation (1 Timothy 2:1-8).

  • Singing: The whole congregation joins together in praising God in song without the use of musical instruments (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). In case anyone is unfamiliar with one of the songs, the words are available in our songbooks. Many of our visitors choose to join us in singing, while others prefer simply to listen as we worship.

  • Taking Communion: Every Sunday, our members remember Christ’s death by eating unleavened bread and drinking fruit of the vine (Acts 20:7). We sit quietly for a few minutes and reflect on how wonderful it is that God loved us enough to give his own Son for us!

  • Preaching: We will enjoy a Bible lesson that lasts about 30 minutes (Acts 2:42; Romans 10:14). Each lesson will take a Bible passage or topic and explain what it means and how it applies to our lives.

  • Giving: Each member of this congregation contributes weekly to the work of the church (1 Corinthians 16:2). As a visitor, please do not feel obligated to give anything in the offering.